Message from Class President, Sean Gallagher:
* 11/20/05 posted orthopedics reviews
* 11/20/05 posted gross lab drawings
* 11/8/05 posted review questions from lab for radiology
* 11/7/05 posted pages from radiology book
* 10/26/05 posted gross lab drawings from Jose
* 10/25/05 added message board
* 10/24/05 posted dissection notes for lecture midterm
* 10/24/05 posted dissection notes for lab midterm
* 10/24/05 updated design of website

3rd Quater:
Lecture Exam 2:
Book Wrist and Hand Review.doc posted 11/20/05
Book Cervical Spine Review.doc posted 11/20/05
Book Lumbar Spine Review.doc posted 11/20/05
Normal Radiology:
Lecture Exam 2:
Old Exam 1 Lecture Notes
Dissection 1 Notes:
Lecture Exam 2:
Lab Exam 2 Word Bank.jpg posted 11/20/05 (from Joe)
Lab Exam 2:
arteries1.jpg posted 11/20/05 (from Pete Rom)
arteries2.jpg posted 11/20/05 (from Pete Rom)
musclesofneck.jpg posted 11/20/05 (from Pete Rom)
necknotes.jpg posted 11/20/05 (from Pete Rom)
pelvis.jpg posted 11/20/05 (from Pete Rom)
pill handout 2.jpg posted 11/20/05 (from Pete Rom)
Pill Handout.jpg posted 11/20/05 (from Pete Rom)
retromandibular.jpg posted 11/20/05 (from Pete Rom)
Old Exam 1 Notes (Lecture and Lab)
3rd Quarter Stuff
4th Quarter Stuff
6th Quarter Stuff